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INTRODUCTION  Gone are the days we used to send blood samples to Virology Institute in Pune and wait for the results to confirm the infe...

Saturday 8 April 2017


Gone are the days we used to send blood samples to Virology Institute in Pune and wait for the results to confirm the infectious diseases. Now the tests can be done at your door step and that too at affordable rates. Several diseases are going undetected since we are not having proper diagnostic facilities. Many of the infectious diseases have become seasonal in Kerala and we are not worried why it has become endemic here. Hence there is a need for proper evaluation of the blood samples we collect. Molecular diagnosis of human disorders is referred to as the detection of the various pathogenic mutations in DNA and /or RNA samples in order to facilitate detection, diagnosis, sub-classification, prognosis, and monitoring response to therapy. Molecular diagnostics is a collection of techniques that is used to analyse biological markers in the genome and proteome—the individual's genetic code and how their cells express their genes as proteins—by applying molecular biology to medical testing. The technique is used to diagnose and monitor disease, detect risk, and decide which therapies will work best for individual patients. By analysing the specifics of the patient and their disease, molecular diagnostics offers the prospect of personalised medicine. These tests are useful in a range of medical specialisms, including infectious disease, oncology, human leucocyte antigen typing (which investigates and predicts immune function), coagulation, and pharmacogenomics—the genetic prediction of which drugs will work best. They overlap with clinical chemistry (medical tests on bodily fluids).The field of molecular biology grew in the late twentieth century, as did its clinical application. 


Eugene Molecular Diagnostics and Research Centre (EMDRC) is a start-up company committed to providing the most convenient and friendly Molecular blood testing service to the physicians of Kerala and their patients and also for giving training for students in the field of Molecular testing and to conduct research work in the field of laboratory medicine. EMDRC has been founded as a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India. This lab would be catering to the need of the patients. The lab has been set up with molecular diagnostic facilities, DNA sequencing based technologies, and gene therapy facility. This advanced biotechnology centre will also provide platform for doctors and researchers to work on their novel concepts and innovative ideas that can be immediately implemented. The academic wing of the biotechnology wing will coordinate with doctors and researchers to support them with wet lab and computation work to materialise the innovative concepts. It has been found that 99% of the fever cases reported in the private sector are tabbed as viral fever. However, there is no effort from us to find out what the exact virus was behind the fever and whether any mutation has occurred over the years for this virus. A comprehensive diagnosis can help in finding the exact behaviour of the virus and how it is acting on the patients. This lab has been equipped to find the root cause of the behaviour of the virus. Eugene Molecular Diagnostics and Research Centre has mission to serve physicians and their patients with fast, accurate, private, reasonably priced Molecular blood testing services. Eugene Molecular Diagnostics and Research Centre exists to exceed all of their customer's expectations. EMDRC, one of well equipped biotech research laboratory with an excellent molecular biology platform, provide all-in-one solution to facilitate in house research projects, student's projects and training as per International quality protocols. Our technical and technological team consists of Microbiologists, Bioinformatician, Molecular biologist, Geneticist etc. The Institute works with a vision of creating employability, entrepreneurship, leadership and research aptitude among young generations thereby contributing to the economic and technological development of the region, state and nation. EMDRC is committed to provide high quality academic programmes, training activities, research facilities and opportunities supported by continuous Industry - Institute interaction. EMDRC also offers consultancy services to industries and institutions requiring assistance for setting up laboratories, quality implementation and management of laboratories.


 Eugene Molecular Diagnostics and Research Centre (EMDRC) has established three significant objectives to pursue.

 1) To providing the most convenient Molecular blood testing service to the physicians of Kerala and their patients. 

2) To give training for students of different paramedical colleges in the field of Molecular testing. Currently there is no other facility in any of the paramedical colleges in Kerala to give training in Molecular Biology. 

3) To conduct research and project work in the field of laboratory medicine and to publish the works in international and national journals.


 EMDRC offers a comprehensive battery of blood tests for physician's patients.

  • CMV Quantitative & Qualitative 
  • BKV Quantitative & Qualitative
  • TB PCR Qualitative 
  • HBV Quantitative & Qualitative
  • HCV Quantitative & Qualitative 
  • HIV Quantitative &. Qualitative 
  • HCV Genotyping
  • HPV Quantitative & Qualitative 
  •  Identifying different cancer gene in human blood and tissue ( As per the requirements) 
  • Project and research works for students.